Keven Anderson

Blog by Keven Anderson

ID Cyber Sessions EP4 - Dan Conn

01.05.23 01:07 PM By Keven Anderson - Comment(s)

Dan speaks with us about his philanthropic work with Trace Labs, a non-profit organization. During its regular Search Party CTFs, members of the cyber security industry work collaboratively in a voluntary capacity to leverage OSINT (open-source intelligence) and aid law enforcement agencies in locat...

Finding the Lost: Working Together to Locate Missing People

18.04.23 11:59 AM By Keven Anderson - Comment(s)

There are few things more terrifying and devastating than having a loved one go missing and not knowing where they are or whether they're okay. 170,000 people are reported missing every year in the UK alone, and, as much as the police can use their incredible knowledge and experience to find them, t...

Meet the Team: Gary Coll

17.04.23 08:09 AM By Keven Anderson - Comment(s)

Curious who's on the other end of the phone or helping you through your Cyber Essentials certification? Find out through our Meet the Team series.

Q: What is your role at ID Cyber?

A:Cyber Essentials Plus Assessor

Q: When did you join ID Cyber?

A:May 2021

Q: Can you describe your role at ID Cyber?

A:I wor...

“Free pizza? Yes please, always!”

03.04.23 07:44 AM By Keven Anderson - Comment(s)

Our Business Support Administrator Megan clicks the link in the phishing email sent by our Business Manager, Keven. Instantly, Kev gets a notification that someone from his sample group has clicked the dodgy link and assigns them anti-phishing training.

This was a test of our new phishing training pl...

ID Cyber Sessions Ep3 - Jenny Radcliffe

01.04.23 01:02 PM By Keven Anderson - Comment(s)
April Fools’! For this episode of ID Cyber Sessions, we’re focusing on trickery and guile as we chat with Jenny Radcliffe, world-renowned social engineer, “burglar for hire”, educator, and CEO and founder of Human Factor Security. In this interview, she shares some of her most memorable jobs, demons...