Keven Anderson

Blog by Keven Anderson

ID Cyber Sessions Ep 17 — Kirsty Squires

01.06.24 01:54 PM By Keven Anderson - Comment(s)
GDPR and data protection can sometimes seem daunting, but Kirsty Squires makes it all easy to digest and implement. She is an experienced Data Protection Officer who runs her own consultancy and training business, Clansman Consulting, and in this episode she tells us all about how to build a data pr...

ID Cyber Sessions Ep 16 — Samantha Humphries

01.05.24 01:51 PM By Keven Anderson - Comment(s)

Samantha Humphries (Senior Director, International Marketing and Security Strategy at Exabeam) is well known in the cyber security industry for her refreshing approach to both communication and community engagement. She tells us her thoughts on the cyber security community, her ideas about the futur...

Meet the Team: Georgia Milton

09.04.24 09:01 AM By Keven Anderson - Comment(s)
Meet the Team: Georgia Milton

Curious who's on the other end of the phone or helping you through your Cyber Essentials certification? Find out through our Meet the Team series.

Q: What is your role at ID Cyber?

A: Cyber Essentials Assessor

Q: When did you join ID Cyber?

A: October 2023

Q: Can you describe your rol...

ID Cyber Sessions Ep15 — Dogs Do Cyber Security

01.04.24 01:49 PM By Keven Anderson - Comment(s)
It's April Fool's! We wanted to mark the occasion but, given we're in the business of helping you become more secure, we didn't like the idea of trying to trick anyone.
Instead, here's a quick chat with some of the ID Cyber office dogs—Bazza, Chico, Cullen, and Fran.

CyberScotland Week 2024

20.03.24 02:57 PM By Keven Anderson - Comment(s)
CyberScotland Week 2024

CyberScotland Week is an annual initiative to, in CyberScotland's own words, “bring people and organisations across Scotland together to raise cyber security awareness and build cyber resilience.” It sees organisations across Scotland host events for the general public and for the infosec commu...